The Interreg ALBUCOL project is a consortium of
four public laboratories from the Upper Rhine region and
eight associated private companies, with the aim of developing entirely natural biomaterials designed to restore damaged human tissues, with the ambition of making a decisive breakthrough in regenerative medicine.
The repair of bone and cartilage lesions using biocompatible, biodegradable, and entirely natural implants represents a major challenge in regenerative medicine. Tackling such an issue while adopting eco-friendly approaches is the bold bet of four researchers from partner laboratories of an Interreg Upper Rhine project:
Dr. Philippe Lavalle (Inserm – France), Dr. Xin Xiong (NMI – Germany), Prof. Dr. Arnaud Scherberich (University of Basel – Switzerland), and Dr. Michael de Wild (FHNW – Switzerland).
This consortium is developing and characterizing innovative biomaterials that exhibit remarkable properties, as they can be colonized, neo-vascularized, biodegraded, and ultimately replaced by the target tissue. The project initially focuses on tracheo-laryngeal substitutes and pediatric phalanx grafts, while hinting at a much broader application potential.
Institutional academic partners:
Inserm, Inserm Est, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS,
Carnot MICA, Biomaterials & Bioengineering Unit,
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute,
University of Basel, Hôpital Universitaire de Bâle, Department of Biomedicine (DBM Basel),
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
All this would NOT be possible without the support of:
Interreg Rhin Supérieur | Oberrhein,
Pilier Sciences / Säule Wissenschaft / Science Pillar,
Région Grand Est,
Land Baden-Württemberg (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst),
Rheinland-Pfalz (Ministerium für Wissenschaft une Gesundheit),
Kanton Basel-Stadt,
Kanton Basel-Landschaft,
La Confédération Suisse
and Regio Basiliensis

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